Lunchtime Harvest

Today’s lunchtime harvest: spinach, lettuces, arugula, basil, green beans (& purple ones), & a snake skin. There’s more left in the garden, but this is what I picked. The green beans will go in my freezer tonight, starting my second freezer bag full of green beans from this season. I’m stocking up for later months. I found the little snake skin on the ground near some beans and spinach. It looks to be from a grass snake. So, no worries. Maybe he’ll keep some of the critters away from my plants. My kids will enjoy seeing the snake skin. They’ll think it is really cool.

Random Earth Day Stuff

Today is Earth Day. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I am very thankful He did that.

Just picked my salad from the garden.

Big list of Earth Day Instructables here.

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
~Greek proverb

Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God .
~Thomas Jefferson

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
~Marcus Tullius Cicero

Two Deer

two deer in this picture

Wild Growth

Sometimes the things we just allow to grow of their own will are just as beautiful as those things we choose to grow ourselves.

Baby Wild Grapes

Baby Wild Grapes

A Nice Weed

A Nice Weed

We can in fact only define a weed, mutatis mutandis, in terms of the well-known definition of dirt – as matter out of place. What we call a weed is in fact merely a plant growing where we do not want it. ~E.J. Salisbury, The Living Garden, 1935

Beans are coming!

Farming with Nature – Permaculture with Sepp Holzer

Rain water collection/filtering system

A good idea from Aquascape. More information here.

Three wooden boards=$58

Who can be happy about spending $58 on three wooden boards? Woodworkers, that’s who. I just came back from our local WoodCraft store with three boards in hand. I had a gift card left over from Christmas. It’s a cold and windy day today. I needed a comfort purchase. That’s similar to comfort food, but tastes differently. I’ve been planning this trip since Christmas. I’m working on an idea, have been for a few months. I’m making mental sketches and actual paper ones of wooden briefcase designs. I’ve got a few different styles in mind. I’ll probably make each of them eventually. To begin with, I am settling on one that is a little less involved, both in terms of design and in terms of wood requirements. Using nice (read exotic) wood can be pricey. I just pulled myself away from some very attractive $200 boards at the wood store. I’m going to go with a design that uses finger joinery finished with a roundover bit in the router, and simple rod through holes as a hinge joint. I’ll be doing some hopefully final drawings tonight, using the specs of the actual boards I just purchased to figure the dimensions, and to factor the weight, which will constrain/guide the design. I’ll post pictures when I finish the case. Be forewarned, it could be a while. There are three people here, ages 5, 4, and 3 years, who say I have more important things to do that working in the garage (my woodshop).

What can I eat from my garden today? What’s coming soon?

My garden started last Fall. I have some plants that still are doing well, in spite of the two freezes they went through. Now that it is Spring, I am replanting. There are many more plants in the ground now (or seeds at least). They won’t be up for a little while longer. Eventually, I hope to have a much larger selection always available to my kitchen, either in my garden ready to be picked or preserved from earlier harvests. However, here is what I have in my personal ‘produce store’ today. Everything but one or two items in all of the below three lists are organic, mostly heirloom too.

Red Russian Kale, Lacinto Kale, Even’ Star Champion Collards, Cardinale Lettuce, Deer Tongue Lettuce, Forellenschluss Lettuce, Red Velvet Lettuce, Grandpa Admire’s Butterhead Lettuce, Reine de Glaces Lettuce, Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, Red Giant Mustard, & Moss Curled Parsley. (and five different green bean varieties in bags in the freezer, from last Fall’s harvest)

Planted but not ready to harvest yet, I have…Pac Choi, Carnival Blend Carrots, Danvers Carrots, Purple Pod Pole Beans, Hidatsa Shield Figure Beans, Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans, Provider Beans, Good Mother Stallard Beans, Arugula, Cherry Belle Radishes, Mizuna Mustard, Valencia Tomatoes, Brandywine Tomatoes, Ailsa Craig Onions, Bloomsdale Spinach, Detroit Dark Red Beets, Greek Yevani Basil, Granma Einck’s Dill, Common English Thyme, Cinnamon Basil, Common Oregano, Marjoram, Jolly Jester Marigolds (not to eat), English Lavender, Bouquet Dill, Common Chives, Sweet Marjoram, Garden Broadleaf Sage, Prairie Coneflower Echinacea, & Elves Blend Sunflowers.

Still to be planted…Rhubarb Swiss Chard, Five Color Silverbeet Swiss Chard, Red Burgandy Okra, Purple Top White Globe Turnip, Black Beauty Zucchini Summer Squash, Marketmore Cucumber, California Wonder Sweet Pepper, Sugar Snap Peas, Ace Bush Tomato, Calypso Beans, Listada de Gandia Eggplant, British Wonder Pea, Anna Swartz Hubbard Squash, Napolean Sweet Pepper, Sunberries, Sultan’s Green Crescent Bean, Galeux d’Eysines Squash, Ireland Creek Annie Beans, Bushy Cucumber, Aurora Pepper, Golden Midget Watermelon, Snow Fancy Pickling Cucumber, Black Mountain Watermelon, Ashworth Yellow Sweet Corn, Eden’s Gem Melons, Petit Gris Melons, Double Yield Cucumber.

I am behind on my planting, as usual. However, here in my part of Texas, we have very long growing seasons. So, as long as I protect my crops from the Summer heat down the road. I should be fine; though I may be a little sore before it’s all done.

Words for today.

‘Just living is not enough,’ said the butterfly.
‘One must have sunshine, freedom,
and a little flower.’

-Hans Christian Andersen

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